Archive for the ‘Spreading His Word’ category

Thinking of Resurrection Bay

April 21, 2014
Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska. It was named by Alexandr Baranov, who was forced to retreat into the bay during a bad storm in the Gulf of Alaska. When the storm settled it was Easter Sunday. Today, Resurrection Bay, and all of Alaska, are part of the United States, purchased from Russia in 1867 for 2 cents an acre. Russia at the time was strained economically, after being humbled in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Resurrection Bay, Seward, Alaska

Yesterday (April 20, 2014) we celebrated Resurrection Day. The day got me thinking of one of my favorite places, Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska. The bay was named in the late 1700’s by Alexandr Baranov, a Russian fur trader who retreated into the bay during a bad storm in the Gulf of Alaska. When the storm settled it was Easter Sunday.

Today, Resurrection Bay, and all of Alaska, are part of the United States, purchased from Russia in 1867 for 2 cents an acre. Russia at the time was strained economically, after being humbled in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. Vladimir Putin has been compared with the czarist emperor, Nicholas I, who lacked the foresight to see how his prideful 19th Century actions in Crimea would adversely affect Russia.

Pray that Vladimir Putin will change his arrogant ways, before he leads his country through yet another death and resurrection. Like all countries, Russia doesn’t need another prideful leader, they need a servant leader whose king is Jesus Christ. Pray also that you and I can have some death and resurrection of our own prideful ways as well, and do more than just point out the folly of national leaders.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18.

A sea otter feeds on mussels in Resurrection Bay.

A sea otter feeds on mussels in Resurrection Bay.

Resurrection Bay's beautiful, yet rugged coast.

Resurrection Bay’s beautiful, yet rugged coast.

A humpback whale surfaces in Resurrection Bay.

A humpback whale surfaces in Resurrection Bay.

Rockfish from Resurrection Bay.

Rockfish from Resurrection Bay.

Build a Better Engine

April 17, 2014

Over the last few years, I have talked to a lot of people who spew propaganda claiming Bible-believing Christians are “anti-science.” Because people like me are skeptical of the history claims of evolutionists and futurology claims of global warming alarmists, we are labeled “anti-science.” Fortunately, discerning between what is and is not a scientific claim is as easy as understanding a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Unfortunately, some refuse to acknowledge the differences, using the “Christians are anti-science” fallacy to create political division. For others,  it’s just another excuse to hate their neighbor.

One pattern I’ve noticed among the “Christians are anti-science” crowd is that the most outspoken individuals tend to have little or no background in science or engineering. When God gives me an opportunity to talk to unbelievers that promote this agenda, I have learned to 1) let them know Christians like me are most assuredly pro-science, 2) present the Gospel, and 3) encourage them to stop doing what they are doing and get into a science and engineering field.

Something I have encouraged more than one unbeliever to do is “build me a better engine.” Promoting the idea that fossil fuels are causing catastrophic global warming is foolish. In spite of increased atmospheric CO2 levels, there has been no warming for 17 years and 8 months now. If, instead of promoting unscientific future climate ideas and labeling those who disagree as “anti-science,” why not do something meaningful?  Why not be actively involved in designing less expensive, more fuel efficient engines, ones that could reduce air pollution and provide better lives for the poor? Wouldn’t a pro-science, love-your-neighbor mindset be better than an unscientific, hate-your-neighbor one? Well, of course it would, but the former is a difficult concept for those who don’t believe the foolishness of God is wiser than men (I Corinthians 1:25).

Unless God changes their hearts and they repent and turn to Christ, foolish actions are to be expected from unbelievers (Psalm 14:1). Fortunately, there are young Christian men and women out there who love God and His creation, and want to “build a better engine” for His glory. Listen to this testimony from David K., a homeschooling senior that is currently using our DIVE Calculus course (bold emphasis mine):

“Thank you also for all the work you have put into the DIVE CDs. Your teaching is clear, easy to understand, and you explain everything really well. Your lectures have helped me immensely, and I don’t know where I would be in math with out them. I definitely agree with you, in that God has allowed us to understand math so that we can get to know Him better. I love looking in Creation and seeing God Himself! I am a senior in high-school, and I plan to go to college to study Engineering Physics, with mechanical emphasis. I want to eventually perform engine research to produce a more financially feasible engine. I would do this by creating a new energy conversion process that does more work per unit of fuel than engines today. I have always had a love for science and math, and I really look up to people like you who know so much and use it for the glory of God. Thank you for being a great example for me to follow.” 

While David K’s words are incredibly kind and humbling to me, I hope they are an encouragement to you! A lot of people are surrounded by hopelessness and despair, but there’s also a lot of hope out there, too!

Are you a young person like David K who loves the Lord and wants to take what God has made and use it to design things that will serve others? Are you currently an unbeliever? Whoever you are, it is important to be intellectually honest and spread the word that Christians are pro-science. History proclaims this truth, as do present actions of humans all over the world.  So, enough of this blog post, get out there and build a better engine!

Foundations in Genesis

February 26, 2014

Student Workbook Cover, Foundations in Genesis

I made this student workbook (Russian) and teacher’s manual (English) to use in seminary classes I’ll teach in March 2014 at the Biblical Theological Seminary of St. Petersburg, Russia. The seminary is the educational wing of the Slavic Reformation Society.

Foundations in Genesis, Student Workbook (Russian)

Foundations in Genesis, Teacher’s Manual (English)

I snapped the cover photo in 2009 at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park, a world-famous grizzly bear viewing area. And speaking of grizzlies, if you would rather just read about them instead of all this deep theology stuff, click here.


The workbook includes a section for students to take notes during lectures, plus selected reading assignments. The two main sources for reading materials already translated into Russian include Chapters 1-3 of my book, Exchange of Truth (translated in 2008), and Creation Ministries International’s Russian page, currently with 134 articles translated into Russian. Praise God for this incredible resource from CMI!

I would also like to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations, and their awesome sermons, films, presentations and papers that are part of this course:

Dr. John K. Reed et. al. and research papers on understanding naturalism here and here.

Pastor Fred Greco and sermons/lessons on Genesis and covenant theology.

Dr. George Grant’s sermon audio on The Cultural Mandate.

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner and The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

Dr. Jonathan Wells and his chapter on Soviet Darwinism (Lysenkoism) in The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design.

Mr. Mark Amunrud, instructor at Montana Bible College, and presentations on the main point of Genesis.

Rousas J. Rushdoony’s book on Genesis, and particularly Chapter 7 on marriage.

Living Waters Ministry and 180 Movie.

American Vision and How to Answer The Fool.


October 13, 2011

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Life does not evolve, it adapts. Watch my YouTube video, Adaptation, and learn more about what 21st Century science is revealing regarding epigenetics, and what God’s word and works have always revealed. The only reason evolutionism exists is because some people think God is a liar. I say let God be true, and every man a liar (Romans 3:4)!

One thing I mention in Adaptation is that genetic mutations have never been observed to create new information. In this article by Dr. Rob Carter, he states that our increased understanding of cell complexity means “We have to make a distinction between mutation and ‘designed variation’.” Dr. Carter understands cell complexity better than most (including me!), and he argues that our genomes contain some ability to generate “new” information via genetic change. In other words, there is some built-in variation via genetic change that may seem to create “new” information to us, but in reality God designed it in. In my book, Exchange of Truth, I use the word “genoversity” to describe the diversity within a genome. When God said He created different kinds of things, he meant it, and now more than ever our understanding of cell complexity is revealing to us the limited flexibility He programmed into each genome for each original created kind. Diversity within a created kind is an attribute of God (Romans 12:4-5), allowing organisms to adapt, within limits, as their environments change.

Sharing the Gospel’s liberating message

November 10, 2010

I made this video after a mission trip to Vladivostok, Russia in September, 2010. Russia was once part of the communist Soviet Union, or USSR. Communism, with its atheistic foundation, is a horrible system of government. America, with it’s Christian foundation, has an imperfect, but definitely better system of government. Unfortunately, many Americans are accepting of socialism, a form of government that is a pathway to communism. We should never forget how bad communism is (in places like North Korea and China) and was for citizens of the former Soviet Union. Over 60 million people were murdered in the former Soviet Union, basically because they disagreed with the goals of communism.

Governments don’t provide true liberty, Jesus Christ does (John 8:36). As more Russians acknowledge Christ as their Savior, more pastors and churches are needed. Two ways to help spread the Gospel in Russia are to support the Slavic Reformation Society and its seminary, as well as the church-planting ministry of CREC Eurasia.

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